U.S. Courts Design Guide
Janitorial supplies as well as bulk, equipment, furniture, and archive storage must be
accessed from restricted circulation and conveniently located near the loading dock and
service elevator. In the archival storage area, each judiciary-related office must only
have access to its assigned space, as this area houses case records, administrative files,
and other confidential materials.
General Building Service Areas
General service areas must be accessed directly from main public circulation.
The net areas specified in the Guide exclude space required to accommodate
circulation among listed spaces. While the amount of circulation space required varies
with each facility's specific design, 20% can be added to the net programmed space to
determine the total usable area of the building support facilities (i.e., the estimated total
usable area of a building support facility is equal to the sum of all the net programmed
spaces plus 20%).
Design Requirements
Refer to the General Services Administration's (GSA) document Facilities Standards
for the Public Buildings Service.