Chapter 12: Building Support Facilities
The spaces addressed in this chapter are used for delivery, disposal, storage,
maintenance, repair, and public circulation and services.
User Capacity
Users vary according to the size of the courthouse, the type and volume of cases, and
the number of maintenance staff, service company/agency personnel, and public.
Adjacency and Circulation
Maintenance/building service spaces must be accessible by maintenance personnel
through restricted circulation, preferably by restricted service corridors and elevators.
Public access must be provided for vendors and other service providers. Delivery
personnel must enter the building through the loading dock area, after first notifying
the dock master or appropriate personnel. Vendors and deliveries must be screened by
court security personnel before they are admitted to the building.
Equipment Rooms
Service personnel must enter equipment rooms through restricted access from either
public or restricted circulation, depending on the type of equipment stored. To prevent
vandalism, access must be strictly controlled, especially when the rooms are located on
public corridors.