The integrity of each circulation system must be maintained throughout all functions within
the court facility, including dining, service access points and emergency egress. Egress to and
within each system will be controlled by direct or remote monitoring, strike releases,
card-readers, PIN keypads, or keys and controlling mechanisms. All control and monitoring
equipment such as card readers at the building perimeter will be provided by GSA as part of
the base building provisions under the responsibility of FPS. Control and monitoring
equipment within the building will be the responsibility of USMS.
Circulation for judges to the private dining facility, if programmed, must provide access to the
judicial dining area directly from the judicial circulation system. Freight elevators should be
designed with large enough cabs and located to accommodate movement of juries of up to 25
people as 1 group. They should provide access to the jury dining facilities from the trial jury
suites. They may need cab doors on opposite sides to serve both public and secure corridor
systems, with access by prioritized magnetic cards or electronic keypads.
Secure Areas-of-Refuge. The security protection system must be designed to prevent the use
of emergency situations as a means to subvert the security of the judiciary. As part of the
integrated secure zoning and circulation system, a secure area-of-refuge is required for
protection of the judiciary during emergencies. The USMS area within the building should be
designated as an area-of-refuge for the judiciary. Locating the area-of-refuge within the
USMS area will allow USMS to maintain responsibility for the security of the judiciary. In
the event of an emergency, the judges can convene in the USMS area. At that point, USMS
may determine if evacuation of the building is required, and provide protection to the
judiciary as they exit the building. Construction features and building systems within this area
must comply with standards and codes established for areas-of-refuge as contained in PBS-
PQ100.1. Judicial and prisoner elevator systems will recall to the area-of-refuge in event of
an emergency.
As an alternative in unusual configurations, this secure area may be the judges' parking area.
In high-rise buildings (over 10-12 stories), additional secure areas-of-refuge may have to be
added every 6-10 floors above the lower areas-of-refuge.
The central cellblock will be designated as an area-of-refuge for prisoners. In the event of an
emergency, all prisoners will be brought from the court and court holding areas to the USMS
central detention cellblock via the secure prisoner circulation system. The prisoner circulation
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