Appendix E: FS & PDS Team Roles / Responsibilities and Worksheets (cont.)
Regional Counsel
This is a team support member who is called upon as needed for legal advice and may not
accompany the team in its daily efforts.
Provides legal advice to the team to assist in project strategy and budgeting (especially regarding
projects that propose site acquisition, relocation, or potential controversies).
Regional Environmental Quality Advisor
Provides technical advice to the team.
Manages and reviews all GSA NEPA analyses.
Acts as primary contact for NEPA activities and oversees NEPA process for projects in the Region.
Regional Fine Arts Officer
This team member is the regional expert on all matters pertaining to fine art and related program policies
and procedures.
Directs implementation of the Art in Architecture program for the Regional Office.
Assures reference of the Art in Architecture program in all budget estimates and appropriate
documents, including the PDS and design directives.
Communicates and coordinates with the Center for Design Excellence and the Arts and works in
tandem with the Center to accomplish program goals.
Implements the community liaison effort for each Art in Architecture project, in consultation with
the project team and associates from the Center for Design Excellence and the Arts.
Regional Historic Preservation Officer
Determines need for archaeological/cultural resource studies.
Communicates and coordinates with SHPO and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
Reviews consultants' reports and summarizes results and recommendations.
Acts as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) for consultants' contracts.
Participates in and/or leads public meetings regarding the cultural resources impacted by the
project, for example, historic buildings or districts, archaeological resources.