4. Elevations of major building faades (if changes to
the exterior are proposed), showing:
Existing and new fenestration.
1. Building concept, explaining:
Existing and new exterior materials.
Entrance locations and service locations.
Cast shadows.
Building circulation and arrangement of
5. Two building sections (of renovated areas only),
major spaces.
Interior design.
Accommodation of structural systems.
Adherence to the Historic Building Preservation
Mechanical penthouses, if any.
Plan, if applicable.
Floor to floor and other critical dimensions.
2. Building construction description, explaining,
Labeling of most important spaces.
if applicable:
6. Exterior wall sections, showing:
Exterior materials, waterproofing, air
Materials of exterior wall construction, including
barriers/vapor retarders and insulation elements.
flashing, connections and method of anchoring.
Roofing system(s).
Vertical arrangement of interior space, including
Exterior glazing system.
accommodation of mechanical, fire protection and
Interior finishes, with detailed explanation for
electrical services in the floor and ceiling zones.
public spaces.
7. Proposed room finish schedule, showing:
Potential locations for artwork commissioned
Floors, base, walls and ceilings.
under the "Art in Architecture" program,
Finish schedule may be bound into narrative.
if applicable.
Historic Preservation
1. Demolition plans.
8.5 " x 11" report, signed by qualified preservation
2. Building floor plans, showing:
architect, including
Spaces individually delineated and labeled.
Enlarged layouts of special spaces.
1. General: Project purpose, scope, groups and
Accessible routes for the physically disabled as
individuals involved, substantive changes to
well as other compliance requirements regarding
approach described in concept submission
signage, toilets, etc.
2. Existing conditions, describing:
3. Building roof plan, if applicable, showing:
Overall building size, configuration, character
Drainage design, including minimum roof slope.
Project location
Existing original materials and design, alterations
Membrane and insulation configuration of the
New findings from testing or analysis in concept
roofing system.
Alteration Projects Design Development
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100