Perimeter Access Control:
limiting vehicular entry/exits to a minimum number of
locations is beneficial. Long span construction and high
Security screening or fencing may be provided at points
ceilings create an effect of openness and aid in lighting
of low activity to discourage anyone from entering the
the facility. Shear walls should be avoided, especially near
facility on foot, while still maintaining openness and
turning bays and pedestrian travel paths. Where shear
natural surveillance.
walls are required, large holes in shear walls can help to
A system of fencing, grilles, doors, etc. should be
improve visibility. Openness to the exterior should be
designed to completely close down access to the entire
facility in unattended hours, or in some cases, all hours.
It is also important to eliminate dead-end parking areas,
Any ground level pedestrian exits that open into non-
as well as nooks and crannies.
secure areas should be emergency exits only and fitted
with panic hardware for exiting movement only.
Landscaping should be done judiciously so as not to
Details of the parking access control system will be
provide hiding places. It is desirable to hold planting away
provided for the designer.
from the facility to permit observation of intruders.
Surface Finishes and Signage. Interior walls should be
painted a light color (i.e., white or light blue) to improve
Stairways and elevator lobby design shall be as open as
code permits. The ideal solution is a stair and/or elevator
and direct users to their destination efficiently. If an escort
waiting area totally open to the exterior and/or the parking
service is available, signs should inform users.
areas. Designs that ensure that people using these
areas can be easily seen -- and can see out-- should
Lighting. Lighting levels should comply with Table 6-3.
be encouraged. If a stair must be enclosed for code or
The lighting level standards recommended by the
weather protection purposes, glass walls will deter both
personal injury attacks and various types of vandalism.
(IESNA) Subcommittee on Off-Roadway Facilities are the
Potential hiding places below stairs should be closed off;
lowest acceptable lighting levels for any parking facility.
nooks and crannies should be avoided.
The above table adjusts the lighting levels according to the
Elevator cabs should have glass backs whenever
protection level. A point by point analysis should be done
possible. Elevator lobbies should be well-lighted and
in accordance with the IESNA standards.
visible to both patrons in the parking areas and the public
out on the street.
duress buttons or assistance stations should be placed on
structure columns, fences, other posts, and/or freestanding
pedestals and brightly marked with stripping or paint
visible in low light. If CCTV coverage is available,
automatic activation of corresponding cameras should be
Parking Security
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100