8.11 Electronic Security
Control Centers and Building Management Systems
Operational Control Center (OCC), Fire Command
Center (FCC), and Security Control Center (SCC):
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following criteria do NOT apply
to all projects. Follow each criterion only if instructed
The SCC and OCC may be co-located. If co-located, the
to by your project-specific risk assessment. Many
chain of command should be carefully pre-planned to
criteria are based on the recommendations of a specific
ensure the most qualified leadership is in control for
building risk assessment/threat analysis. Where the criteria
specific types of events.
include a blank or offer a choice of approaches, the
Provide secure information links between the SCC, OCC,
recommendations from risk assessment will provide
and FCC.
information for filling in the blank or suggesting a choice
of approaches.
Backup Control Center (BCC):
The purpose of electronic security is to improve the
A backup control workstation should be provided in a
reliability and effectiveness of life safety systems, security
different location, such as a manager's or engineer's
systems, and building functions. When possible, accom-
office. If feasible, an off-site location should be
modations should be made for future developments in
security systems.
A fully redundant BCC should be installed (this is an
alternative to the above).
This chapter is not a design guide for electronic security
systems. The following criteria are only intended to stress
those concepts and practices that warrant special attention
Security for Utility Closets, Mechanical Rooms,
to enhance public safety. Please consult design guides
and Telephone Closets
pertinent to your specific project for detailed information
Key System. Anticipate use of a key system.
about electronic security (see section on Architecture and
Interior Design, Interior Construction, Critical Building
Intrusion Detection. Some or all of the following basic
Components for location of critical building components).
intrusion detection devices should be provided:
Magnetic reed switches for interior doors and openings.
Glass break sensors for windows up to scalable heights.
Balanced magnetic contact switch sets for all exterior
doors, including overhead/roll-up doors; review roof
intrusion detection.
Electronic Security
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100