6.1 General Requirements
comprehensive design for engineering systems that goes
beyond the requirements of the immediate building
program. It also requires a higher level of integration
between architecture and engineering systems than one
This chapter identifies criteria to program and design
would usually expect in an office building.
The purpose of Chapter 6 is to establish minimum
standards, acceptable to the GSA, to be used as the basis
and technology are growing at an increasingly rapid pace.
of design of electrical and communications systems for
Work stations are becoming more powerful, requiring
the various GSA regions throughout the USA.
faster and easier access to more information. GSA must
install the wiring and interfaces to support these
requirements. It shall be noted that the design of all
infrastructure for an efficient work environment for the
communications cabling systems is the responsibility
occupants. These systems must support the many types
of GSA's Federal Technology Service (FTS).
of equipment used in a modern office setting in a reliable
A computer-based Building Automation System (BAS) that
monitors and automatically controls lighting, heating,
There are three characteristics that distinguish GSA
ventilating and air conditioning is critical to the efficient
buildings: long life span, changing occupancy needs, and
operation of the modern Federal office building. GSA
the use of a life cycle cost approach to account for total
project cost.
with the exception of fire alarm and security systems,
During the life span of a typical Federal building,
which shall function as stand-alone systems with a
many minor and major alterations are necessary as the
monitoring only interface to the BAS.
missions of Government agencies change. The flexibility
The design of the electrical systems and other building
to adjust to alterations easily must be designed into
components shall all combine together to produce a
the building systems from the outset. Electrical and
building that meets the project's programmed
communications systems shall provide ample capacity
sustainability rating (LEED rating) and assigned energy
for increased load concentrations in the future as
target, as referenced in Chapter 1.
described in section 6.3 and allow modifications to be
made in one area without causing major disruptions
Security is an important consideration in electrical
in other areas of the facility.
engineering systems design. Refer to Chapter 8: Security
Design for detailed criteria related to this matter.
It is GSA's goal to build facilities equipped with the latest
advances in office technology and communication. This
Consult Chapter 4.1: Installation Standards of the Fine
intent shall be extended to include the future evolution
Arts Program Desk Guide for additional information.
of automated office and telecommunications equipment
Submission Requirements are addressed in Appendix A.3.
as well. Making this concept a reality requires a
General Requirements
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100