with regard to adjacent spaces and exhausted directly to
5.6 Special Area HVAC Systems
the outdoors. Refer also to requirements of U.S. Marshals
Service (USMS) Publication 64.
Special Area Requirements
Firing Range. Special HVAC considerations shall be
Special areas such as atriums, cafeterias, mail rooms,
required for firing ranges. A firing range shall be provided
loading docks and elevator machine rooms, shall have
with a dedicated air-handling system. Heating and cooling
a dedicated air-handling unit, separate from all other air-
supply air shall be delivered to the area along and behind
handling units in the building, with individual control
the firing line for occupant comfort conditions and to
to condition these spaces as required.
maintain a positive pressure in this area relative to down
range and target area. Powered exhaust air shall be
Lobbies and Entrance Vestibules. A dedicated air-
extracted from down range and the target areas in
handling unit shall be provided for the main lobby and
sufficient quantity to remove smoke and maintain a clear
other entrance vestibules to maintain positive
line of vision to the target. Sixty percent of the total
exhaust shall be extracted at a point approximately one-
third the distance from the firing line to the target area,
Courtrooms. Generally, each Courtroom and its
and forty percent shall be extracted from above the target
respective ancillary areas coupled to the operation of the
area. All exhaust air shall be filtered to preclude the
Courtroom shall constitute a primary zone. No more than
emission of lead particulates and gunpowder residue into
two Courtrooms and their respective ancillary areas shall
the atmosphere. Discharge of firing range exhaust air to
be supplied from the same air-handling unit and system.
outdoors shall be carefully located to prevent recirculation
Refer to the U.S. Courts Design Guide published by the
into the outdoor air intake of any HVAC system. Firing
Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOC)
range systems shall be capable of continuous operation,
for specific requirements.
isolated from other building systems.
Auditoriums. Auditoriums shall have dedicated air-
Kitchens and Dishwashing Areas. Kitchens with cooking
handling units. Units shall be designed with 80 percent
ranges, steam kettles, ovens and dishwashers shall be
diversity factor to maintain necessary temperature and
provided with dedicated make-up air and exhaust
humidity conditions under partial loads and partial
hoods/exhaust systems in accordance with the latest
occupancy. Provide dew point control. Dew point of
edition of NFPA Standard 96 and ASHRAE Applications
supply air shall not exceed 10.0C (50F) dry bulb.
Handbook. All components of the ventilation system shall
be designed to operate in balance with each other, even
U.S. Marshals Service Areas. The U.S. Marshals Service
under variable loads, to properly capture, contain, and
area HVAC system shall be designed for continuous
remove the cooking effluent and heat, and maintain
operation and shall be independently controlled and
zoned. All ductwork and air circulation openings
spaces in an efficient and economic manner. The
penetrating the secure area envelope, including prisoner
operation of the kitchen exhaust systems shall not
circulation areas, shall be provided with security bars.
affect the pressure relation between the kitchen and
Detainee holding areas shall be negatively pressurized
Special Area HVAC Systems
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100