3.3 Commissioning
Accessible parking spaces shall be adjacent to access aisles
that are part of an accessible route to the building or
facility entrance. Accessible routes shall not be located
The design architect shall identify and coordinate com-
behind parking spaces.
missioning practices with the Construction Manager,
Ramps. The incline on parking area ramps shall not exceed
Project Manager, and (if contracted separately) the
12 percent. The break-over angle at changes of plane in
ramps shall not exceed 6 percent. The incline on ramp floor
performance goals. As appropriate, coordinate with other
garages shall not exceed 5 percent. The entire length of the
disciplines to fully enable required testing and certifica-
entrance and exit ramps must be protected so that snow
tions. Incorporate into construction specifications
and ice do not accumulate on the ramps if inclement
those testing and certification requirements that involve
weather is excessive. Snow melting systems should also be
construction contractors. Examples of possible program-
considered. Careful consideration needs to be given to
med performance goals include:
providing proper drainage of the parking deck.
Assigned Annual Energy Consumption Goal
Garage Openings. Overhead doors or grilles at vehicular
Attainment of Programmed LEED rating
entries to structured parking garages may be provided for
Assured Envelope Thermal Integrity, Certified by
security purposes. The operation of overhead doors or
Hot-Box and/or Infra-red (thermographic) Imaging
grilles must utilizes advanced technology (use of sensors
Water Penetration and/or Moisture Control
or incorporating sallyports) to prevent entry by
unauthorized persons. These overhead grilles or doors
shall be electric and operated by card-readers or other
Seismic Response
means of remote control. The control devices and doors
or grilles shall be suited for high frequency operation, and
should open and close quickly to avoid impact damage to
Accessibility Requirements
vehicles; they must also have a sensor edge to detect a
vehicle or other object below it and reverse operation.
Functionality of Applied Innovative Technologies
These openings should be monitored by camera.
These openings shall be a minimum of 3600 mm (12 feet)
wide with minimum height of 2400 mm (8 feet). A
headache bar shall be provided in front of each opening;
this shall be mounted 100 mm (4 inches) lower than the
height of the clear opening.
Walkways. Pedestrian walkways shall link the parking area
with the building entrance. Provide curbs, bollards, other
barriers or low walls to prevent vehicles from encroaching
upon pedestrian walkways. Identify pedestrian crossings of
vehicular traffic lanes by painted crosswalks and signage.
72 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100