2.10 Plant Materials
rates. Non-potable water sources may be considered for
these uses. In colder climates provisions must be made
for easy shut-off and drainage during the winter season.
Plant selection, including turf, shall be based on the
Fountains and reflecting pools with pumping systems are
plant's adaptability to the region. Regionally mature plants
restricted to Category I areas of the site. Water features
are recommended in desert or areas of the country where
should not be placed over occupied space since leakage
water is scarce. The use of hearty native turf species or
problems frequently occur.
other ground cover is encouraged.
Sculpture. Sculpture may be provided as part of the
Existing Vegetation. GSA has a commitment to using
Art-in-Architecture Program and is addressed by the
sustainable design principles in the landscape. Therefore,
site designer only as a coordination effort. The sculptor
all existing vegetation should be evaluated for appropri-
is selected under a separate contract; it is crucial,
ateness to remain. Where appropriate, existing trees and
however, that the artist and the A/E coordinate not only
shrubs should be protected and a planting plan be built
the art installation, but how people will move to and
around them.
from each other's designed areas and how one might
support the other. It is also important to ensure that
Species Selection
routine maintenance of the artwork can be performed at
Plant selection should be based on the plant's adaptability
reasonable cost and that it does not create safety hazards.
to the landscape area, desired effect, color, texture and
Rocks and Boulders. Lightweight and synthetic rocks or
ultimate plant size. Maximum water conservation can be
boulders will not be used as landscape elements.
achieved by selecting appropriate plants that require
minimal amounts of supplemental water.
Water Conservation. Consider
capturing rainwater or
gray water systems for irrigation. See also 2.11 Irrigation
Hardiness and Availability. Plants must be hardy in the
climate where they are to be planted.
Demanding Plants. Plants requiring meticulous soil
preparation, fertilization and spraying shall be avoided.
Exotic and/or invasive species shall not be used.
Growth Habits.
Plants need to be chosen with their mature size and
growth habit in mind to avoid over-planting and conflict
with other plants, structures or underground utility lines.
42 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
2.10 Plant Materials
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100