Silicone Sealant - a liquid-applied curing compound based on polymer(s) of polysiloxans structures.
Solvent - liquid in which another substance can be dissolved.
Solvent-release Sealant - a compound that cures primarily through solvent evaporation.
Spacer - a piece of resilient material placed to maintain space between a pane of glass or a panel
and its supporting frame.
Spalling - a surface failure of concrete, usually occurring at the joint. It may be caused by
incompressibles in the joint, by overworking the concrete, or by sawing joints too soon.
Stopless Glazing - the use of a sealant as a glass adhesive to keep glass in permanent position
without the use of exterior stops.
Stress Relaxation - reduction in stress in a material that is held at a constant deformation for an
extended time.
Structural Glazing Gaskets - a synthetic rubber section designed to engage the edge of glass or
other sheet material in a surrounding frame by forcing an interlocking filler strip into a grooved
recess in the face of the gasket.
Structural Sealant - a sealant capable of transferring dynamic or static ("live" or "dead", or both,)
loads, or both, across joint members exposed to service environments typical for the structure
involved, as in stopless glazing.
Substrate - (1) a material upon which films, treatments, adhesives, sealants, membranes, and
coatings are applied; (2) materials that are bonded or sealed together by adhesives or sealants.
Tape Sealant - a sealant having a preformed shape, and intended to be used in a joint initially
under compression.
Thermal Bridge - a heat-conductive element in a building assembly that extends from the warm to
the cold side and provides less heat-flow resistance than the adjacent construction.
Thermal Conductance - the time rate of heat flow expressed in per unit area and unit temperature
gradient. The term is applied to specific materials as used, either homogenous or heterogeneous
for the thickness of construction stated, not per meter of thickness.
Thermal Conductivity - the time rate of heat flow, by conduction only, through a unit thickness of a
homogenous material under steady-state conditions, per unit area, per unit temperature gradient.
Tolerance - the allowable deviation from a value or standard; especially the total range of variation
permitted in maintaining a specified dimension in machining, fabricating, or constructing a member
or assembly.
Tooling - the act of compacting and contouring a sealant in a joint.
Tooling Time - The time interval after application of a one-component sealant or after mixing and
application of multi-component sealant during which tooling is possible.