achieve all five of the credits mentioned above
Design opportunities were also identified for
within a comprehensive landscaping scheme.
energy efficiency (Credit EA-1) and exterior
The resulting design does not necessarily add a
lighting design (Credit SS-8), which allowed the
project premium--in fact, in the Courthouse
Courthouse to earn additional points at no cost
model it actually reduced the overall site
development costs.
3) Market Transformation of Materials and Equipment.
The growing demand for high-performance
buildings has led a number of product
manufacturers to increase their "green"
material and equipment offerings. Over time,
many of these products have become cost
competitive with comparable "standard"
products. Because of these developments,
LEED credits such as SS-7.1 (Heat Island
Reduction Energy Star Roofing), EQ-4.1
(Low-emission Adhesives and Sealants), EQ-
4.2 (Low-emission Paints) and MR-4.1/4.2
(Recycled Content Materials) can often be
achieved at no- or low-cost premiums.
Application to GSA Projects
Similar "no-cost" and "low-cost" credit
opportunities are expected to apply to most GSA
building types and projects.
Figures 2-6 and 2-7. Landscaping at the Alfred
A. Arraj U.S. Courthouse, Denver, Colorado. A
comprehensive landscaping scheme using native
and adapted plant species, minimal paved areas,
and no permanent irrigation can reduce overall
development costs. (Photo: Don Horn)