Section 3: Synergistic Credits
Office Building:
its entirety-- the costs for the CO2 monitoring
system of credit EQ-1 are already included.
Credits SN-1A-1D
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Individual Credit Costs
Credit EA-1
Optimize Energy Performance
Credit EA-1(5), Full Facade....................3,508
Credit EQ-1................................................. ,556
Credit EQ-1
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring
Synergistic Credit SN-1A
Total Credit Cost ...................................... 3,508
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%) ............................................0.60%
Credits SN-1A 1D reflect a synergy that is
available when designing carbon dioxide (CO2)
monitoring systems. The synergistic credit scenario
Individual Credit Costs
is based on the installation of CO2 sensors in
variable occupancy spaces, and at the end of major
duct runs, to earn credit EQ-1. Additional controls
Credit EA-1(5), Min. Facade .................. 7,775
programming is provided for the building
Credit EQ-1................................................. ,556
management system (BMS), which allows the CO2
sensors to be used for demand control ventilation.
Synergistic Credit SN-1B
The demand control ventilation contributes to the
energy savings that earns points under credit EA-1.
Total Credit Cost ...................................... 7,775
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
For SN-1A / Full Faade, six LEED credits are
Cost Impact (%) ............................................0.91%
achieved; for SN-1B / Minimal Faade, six LEED
credits are achieved; for SN-1C / Full Faade, nine
LEED credits are achieved; and for SN-1D /
Minimal Faade, eight LEED credits are achieved.
Individual Credit Costs
Basis for Cost Assumption
Credit EA-1(8), Full Facade....................1,426
Credit EQ-1................................................. ,556
The synergistic costs for credit SN-1A is the cost
of the individual credit EA-1 (5) / Full Facade in
Synergistic Credit SN-1C
its entirety--the costs for the CO2 monitoring
system of credit EQ-1 are already included.
Total Credit Cost ...................................... 1,426
The synergistic cost for credit SN-1B is the cost of
Cost Impact ($/GSF)............................07/GSF
the individual credit EA-1 (5) / Minimal Facade in
Cost Impact (%) ............................................2.33%
its entirety-- the costs for the CO2 monitoring
system of credit EQ-1 are already included.
The synergistic cost for credit SN-1C is the cost of
the individual credit EA-1 (8) / Full Facade in its
entirety-- the costs for the CO2 monitoring system
of credit EQ-1 are already included.
The synergistic cost for credit SN-1D is the cost of
the individual credit EA-1 (7) / Minimal Facade in