Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Additional Considerations
scenarios, a ,000 increase is included in the
project's General Conditions to cover additional
labor, expenses, and administration.
qualify for Credits MR-1.1 - MR-1.3 (Building
In the Office Building model, increases to the
Reuse), the project may apply the tonnage of
General Conditions costs have been included in
reused building toward Credit MR-2. The building
both the "minimal faade renovation" and "full
materials have, in essence, been diverted from the
faade renovation" scenarios1. The fee increases
landfill. In these cases, the 50 percent waste
(,000 for the minimal faade cases and ,000
reduction criteria may be achieved at no cost.
in the full faade cases) are higher than those
predicted for the Courthouse building because of
Synergistic Credits
the demolition involved and because of the phased
nature of the Office Building work.
Credit MR-2.2 (Construction Waste Management,
75 percent) is essentially a continuation of the
Summary of First Cost Impacts
process and efforts defined for this credit. For the
purposes of this study, the Credit MR-2.2 analysis
defines the cost premiums above and beyond those
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
defined for this credit.
Low Cost
No identified cost premiums.
High Cost
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,658
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.06%
Minimal Faade Renovation
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,521
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.16%
Full Faade Renovation
Total Credit Cost ........................................ ,651
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.20%
Because there is no "low cost" variant in the Office
Building scenarios, a "no cost" CWM option was
purposely not included.