Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
of outside air. The costs include additional
ducting to the units and additional BMS
Full Faade Renovation
Carbon dioxide sensors to modulate outside
air based on occupancy in the conference
5 Energy Points
rooms and office spaces Cost premiums are
defined for CO2 sensors, for sensor tie-ins to
Total Credit Cost...................................... 3,508
the BMS, and for additional controls
Cost Impact ($/GSF) ..........................
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 0.62%
Summary of First Cost Impacts
8 Energy Points
Total Credit Cost...................................... 1,426
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Cost Impact ($/GSF) .......................... .07/GSF
Cost Impact (%) ............................................ 2.33%
1 Energy Point
No identified cost premiums.
Additional Considerations
3 Energy Points
In most high-performance buildings, the additional
costs that may be incurred for load-reduction
Total Credit Cost ......................................1,262
strategies (e.g., better glazings, more insulation,
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
more efficient lighting) can be offset in full or in
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.26%
part by reductions in the size of the HVAC
equipment and components (chillers, boilers, ducts,
5 Energy Points
pipes, motors, etc.). While this is a key cost control
strategy for green buildings, savings of this type are
Total Credit Cost ......................................6,101
not specifically reflected in the study. This is
Cost Impact ($/GSF)............................89/GSF
primarily because a number of load reduction
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 1.32%
measures are already included in the reference
buildings that meet GSA's energy use targets. The
HVAC equipment in the reference models is
therefore assumed to be "right-sized" to the
reduced loads. The additional load reduction
Minimal Faade Renovation
strategies simulated for the study (i.e., lower
lighting power density, lighting controls, and heat
3 Energy Points
recovery) were calculated to have only a small
additional downsizing effect on the building HVAC
No identified cost premiums.
systems. For the purposes of the study, it was
decided to conservatively assume no additional
5 Energy Points
downsizing. In actual GSA projects, it is expected
that all load reduction measures will be considered
Total Credit Cost ......................................7,775
in tandem when determining HVAC system sizes,
Cost Impact ($/GSF)...........................
to take full advantage of the downsizing
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 0.91%
7 Energy Points
Total Credit Cost ......................................1,426
Cost Impact ($/GSF)............................07/GSF
Cost Impact (%)............................................ 2.39%