Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Additional Considerations
The location of highly reflective ENERGY STAR
roofs needs to be carefully coordinated with the
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
building design. Reflective roofs that are adjacent
to building glazing (e.g., at building setbacks) can
Energy Star Roof
cause excessive glare and heat gain in occupied
No identified cost premiums.
Vegetated roof systems designed for more
Vegetated Roof
elaborate plantings than mosses and sedums will
typically require deeper soils. This will require
Total Credit Cost ........................................5,353
strengthening of the roof structure. More elaborate
Cost Impact ($/GSF)............................
roof plantings may also warrant an irrigation
Cost Impact (%).............................................. 0.86%
Synergistic Credits
The credit is not applicable.
Item SN-2 (Courthouse) of Section 3 reviews the
cost implications of earning credit SS-7.2 (Heat
Island Effect: Roof, Vegetated Roof option) in
conjunction with credit SS-6.1 (Stormwater
Management, Rate and Quantity) and credit EA-
2.1 (Renewable Energy).