Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Total Credit Cost ........................................0,117
Cost Impact ($/GSF)............................
Cost Impact (%).............................................. 0.17%
The credit is not applicable.
Additional Considerations
The maintenance requirements of sand filters and
other water quality inlets need to be considered as
part of the credit assessment. Most of these
systems require regular maintenance and, for sand
filters, periodic media replacement over time. Sand
filters may also be less effective in cold climates.
Synergistic Credits
If landscape-based Best Management Practices are
employed, there are potential synergies with credits
SS-5.1 (Reduced Site Disturbance: Protect or
Restore Open Space), SS-5.2 (Development
Footprint), SS-6.1 (Stormwater Management
Rate and Quantity), and WE-1.1/1.2 (Water-
Efficient Landscaping).
With the sand filter system, reductions in the
impervious surfaces on the site can potentially
reduce the size of the overall system. In this regard,
credits SS-5.1 (Reduced Site Disturbance: Protect
or Restore Open Space) and SS-6.1 (Stormwater
Management Rate and Quantity) can be
considered synergistic. For the purposes of this
study, however, the reduction in runoff from these
credits was not considered large enough to result in
a cost reduction for the sand filter system.