GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis
(Gate construction, hinges, and related anchoring should be very durable, because of the substantial
material weight and cantilever loading condition.)
From a review of the five applicable sets of regulations governing the design of vertical
mechanical lifts, it is apparent that these requirements are focused on design conditions
that have significantly greater elevation changes between landings than are required in
the courtroom.
Handrails, mounted on the platform, are currently required by code. Nearly all the
installations visited during the Analysis did not include them, however, because the
requirement was eliminated by code variance. It is highly probable that code officials
would support a request by GSA for modified language, which would eliminate the
handrail requirement for elevation changes of 24 in. or less.
Platform Occupant Controls
Careful measurement of lift occupant controls, using code guidelines relative to the
elevation of the highest and lowest landings, would allow mounting on the wall in lieu of
attachment to the platform. (Refer to the OCCUPANT CONTROL POSITIONING
diagram at the end of this section.)
Platform Size
Regulations only dictate the net area of the platform size. When a panel is attached to the
platform with a stanchion (hydraulic/scissors lifts) or a handrail (cantilevered platform
lifts) mounted to it, the gross platform area may have some significant dimensional
variations between the designs. Regardless of the handrail requirement, the lack of an
industry standard for the overall platform size will continue to be the most significant
issue interfering with the ability to provide comprehensive detailing of the lift enclosure
within the construction documents for the bidding phase. The reason is that the exact
dimensions of the platform will not be known until the successful bidder is identified.
Performance Requirements
A performance checklist developed by GSA, and included with the design criteria, would
significantly benefit building facility engineers in evaluating the installation prior to
official acceptance. These performance requirements must be addressed in the
Section 3-8
HDR Architecture, Inc.