GSA Courthouse Management Group
Mechanical Lift Analysis
Topics and issues addressed in this section include:
A comprehensive summary of design, operational, and maintenance issues
discovered during the Analysis;
A description of the two most adaptable mechanical lift systems available, relative
to the courtroom environment, and the three most common design configurations;
Recommended standard architectural finishes and detail requirements;
An analysis of the codes and standards issues applicable to the lift system
indicating a minimum impact on the optimal design;
Suggested refinements to the interlocking system that should significantly reduce
maintenance problems as well as provide a basis for overall design and
operational improvement;
Opportunities for placement of mechanical lift equipment and related service
access remote from the courtroom environment;
General guidelines that should be developed for the service agreements,
warrantees, installation acceptance to be included in the construction documents
for bidding on each project; and
A recommended prototypical design for optimum incorporation of the lift into the
functional components of the courtroom well. (Refer to the diagram entitled
THE WITNESS BOX AND JUDGE'S BENCH at the end of this section.)
Section 3-1
HDR Architecture, Inc.