3.6 Education and Communication
To help facilitate understanding by the participants in the design process, consideration should be
given to creating educational tools targeted to the needs of specific groups.
3.6.1. The Design Team
Consider a new technical report geared toward the design team, to capture many of the
points found in this report and to help educate the lead architectural designer and lighting
designer on the interplay and relationship between finishes and high quality, energy
efficient courtroom lighting. The product should highlight successes in courtroom lighting
and provide enough detail to add value to future projects.
3.6.2. The Judges
A different type of educational tool is merited for judges and other occupants of the
courtroom. This document would be less technical in nature, and would address some of
the most common mythologies about lighting. The information should focus on explaining
the interplay between finish colors, perceived lighting, and the energy efficiency
requirements of the building. The text should also explain the changes and improvements
that have occurred in lighting technology, both in fixture and lamp improvements (color
rendition, flicker, energy efficiency) and controls.
March 2006
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