Design Excellence in the Concept Development Process
not be set in concrete. The timing should allow for further changes and refinements
based on peer input. The goal, here, is to understand how the chosen concept has evolved
and identify areas and pathways for making additional improvements. These might deal
with urban design, security and entrance issues, architectural forms and spatial sequence,
the fabric and materiality of the design, and insights re g a rding engineering, sustainability,
efficiency and workplace design. Like the three-concept review, the purpose of the review
is not to mandate solutions but to highlight opportunities to strengthen the design and
fulfill project re q u i rements. If significant changes are needed, the Chief Architect can
recommend additional peer reviews to provide continued feedback in the concept
d e velopment process.
For new construction, the venue for this review is usually the lead designer's office.
For major R&A, modernization, and preservation projects, this review can be held in
regional headquarters or in the community where the existing facility is located to
accommodate a site visit.
All concept development peer reviews are convened by the Chief Architect with the same
t h ree national peers that critiqued the concept options. To assure candid discussion,
observers, if any, should be kept to an absolute minimum, and the meeting should allow
time for the national peers to meet privately to flesh out and org a n i ze their comments.
Re i t e rating a general rule of thumb, the schedule should be handled through the OCA
Center for Design Excellence and the Arts with six weeks advance notice in order to
confirm the participation of the national peers.
section 7.1