Design Excellence in the Concept Development Process
7 . 1 The Three Types of Concept Development Reviews
Project Managers must convene a minimum of three concept development reviews,
including two with national peers:
This is a relaxed conversation among the lead designer, key representatives of the GSA
p roject management team, and the Chief Architect. It should occur as the three required
concept options are being finalized. The purpose of this "p review" is to make sure that
all three concept options are compelling and viable from a siting, design, programming,
budget, and schedule perspective. The goal is to know that concepts, as they will be
p resented to the peers and customer, are realistic Design Excellence strategies--that
they are architecturally outstanding, do not contain budget-busting features, and meet
the customer's needs and requirements.
Depending on what is most convenient, the OCA concept preview can be held in the
Office of the Chief Architect or in the region.
Those attending this review, as already noted, are the individuals responsible for providing
and managing the design services--the lead designers, the Chief Architect, and key
members of the GSA project management team. Peers and the customer are not involved.
As is the case for all design concept reviews, the schedule should be handled through the
OCA Center for Design Excellence and the Arts with as much advance notice as possible.
This occurs with the benefit of the input from the OCA concept preview as the design
team finalizes three distinctive and viable conceptual design alternatives. The purpose
of this review is to have distinguished private-sector peers from the GSA Public Buildings
Service Commissioner's National Register of Peer Professionals help GSA critique the
section 7.1