Sample Vision Competition Program
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stops, accessible passenger loading zones, and public streets or sidewalks to the
accessible building entrance they serve.
Accountability Questions: Through design review, has the design met all the criteria
as set forth in the design directives? Through dimension review, can a person in a
wheelchair achieve all of the various scenarios indicated in the objective? Is access
provided to all of the required locations in the courtrooms, and jury areas?
National Policies
Goals: Provide a facility that incorporates GSA's policies relative to energy goals,
innovative technologies.
Objectives: Building systems shall meet all policy criteria indicated in the P100.
1. The building shall meet and hopefully exceed the energy goal established for
this project.
2. The building must be designed to be meet the LEED "certified level" and have
a goal to achieve at least a "silver level" rating.
3. The design should incorporate a commissioning plan that goes from the
planning stage through design, construction, and occupancy.
4. The selection of the design team and subsequent design processes will follow
the guidelines set forth in Design Excellence: Policies and Procedures.
5. The construction of the facility shall use "best practices" to allow project to be
successful in the eyes of all participants including, GSA, tenant agencies, the
courts, the A/E, the construction contractor, the municipality, the general public,
as well as any other group impacted by its development.
6. Proven advanced technologies for all building features and systems shall be
actively sought during the design process. Such features shall be presented to
GSA for review with accompanying life-cycle cost analysis, implementation
costs, and listed advantages and disadvantages.
7. Critical systems and features that may benefit from evolving technologies
include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
a. Exterior wall and glazing materials.
b. Security and monitoring equipment.
c. Audio/visual systems for courtrooms.
d. Mechanical equipment and systems.
e. Electrical equipment and systems.
f. Telecommunication systems, including fiber optics.
g. Building automation and energy management systems.
h. Lighting systems including daylighting.
i. Gray water recirculation from lavatories to water closets and urinals.
Accountability Questions: By independent A/E review, does the building meet the crite-
ria of the guidelines stated in the objective above? Has the LEED goal been exceeded
and has the project achieved a LEED "silver rating"? Is the project considered a suc-
cess by all participants? Have "best practices" and innovative technologies been incor-
porated in the design and construction of the facility?
chapter 6 resources