Strategies for Selecting
the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
Sample Vision Competition Program
page 4
The proposed project area is classified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) as falling within a 100-year flood zone (A-8 classification, Flood Insurance Rate
Map). The area may also fall within a floodway.
All utilities are available at the site, as well as fire, police, and municipal government
services provided by the city of Mobile.
28 277 gross square meters (305,452 gross square feet) without parking
Approximately 1,858 square meters (20,000 square feet) for fifty (50) interior
secure parking spaces
Fifty (50) exterior parking spaces
The estimated construction cost range is to million.
Housing Plan: Major Tenants
The space requirements utilized to develop the general building size, geometry,
occupant loading and required supporting utility, safety and security systems is based
on occupant data summarized in this section.
The occupant data listing was developed following consultation with U.S. courts
representatives and GSA and is based on a comprehensive plan developed in 1997.
It provides for 10-year and 30-year projection of U.S. courts and court support services
needs in the Mobile, Alabama, area that are programmed to be housed tin the new
courthouse facility.
The square meter (sm) and square foot (sf) figures listed for each occupant category
are useable area (usm) (usf) and include additional factors for private internal circulation
and support services that are specific to the tenant function but do not include factors
for public circulation, building functional support, or general mechanical or electrical
equipment area which are listed separately.
A more detailed listing of separate rooms is provided as Attachment I to this program.
Courtroom Configuration
10-year occupancy:
Ten (10) courtrooms total
Six (6) District courtrooms
Four (4) Magistrate courtrooms
It is projected that there will be a total of14 courtrooms needed for 30-year growth of
the facility.
chapter 6 resources