Fe d B i z O p p s
Defining and Announcing
Design Excellence Opportunities
5 . 0 Introduction
The FedBizOpps announcement is a critical element of the Design Excellence pro g ram.
It is the transition from planning to project execution. It is the vehicle for inviting design
p rofessionals to compete for GSA projects. And perhaps most importantly from a project
management perspective, it outlines all the stages in the A/E selection process and the
criteria used to evaluate Stage I portfolio submissions.
Because it defines so many essential steps, it is crucial that it be thoughtfully developed
and carefully written. FedBizOpps announcements vary subtly by project type and the
stages used in the selection process. Templates are included in this publication for the
language and information appropriate to five project types:
New Construction
B o rder Station
Limited Scope
With respect to the elements important to all announcements, these are highlighted in
the para g raphs that follow. In addition, the chart on the next page offers an ove rview of
the steps and options in this phase of Design Excellence.
section 5.0