These are valuable site selection resources:
The Site Selection Desk Guide, GSA Office of the Chief Architect, 2003
A complete compendium of the issues and processes related to site selection. The guide
includes a discussion of technical issues and offers an extensive list of criteria essential
to shortlisting and evaluating site options. It also contains a directory of professional
o rganizations that may be useful contacts in the site selection process. Documents related
to site selection are included in The Site Section Desk Guide. There are no formal Design
Excellence site selection documents.
Urban Development/Good Neighbor Pro g ra m
A program managed in the Office of the Chief Architect to articulate urban design excellence
principles and facilitate and demonstrate urban design excellence in GSA projects. Contact
the Office of the Chief Architect at 202.501.1888.
A compre h e n s i ve web-based database managed by the Urban Development/Good Neighbor
p ro g ram. The site provides GSA staff with searchable project, image, and document
databases on site selection, design, management, and other issues that impact local
context. Project information presents site selection processes that successfully involved
local stakeholders. Documents include sample site selection agreements between GSA
and local municipalities, various land agreements, and a growing collection of solicitation
documents and strategies for design and site selection related to lease construction projects.
chapter 4 resources