Design Excellence Planning
FedBizOpps Announcement
Describe the project and define project re q u i rements accurately to attract highly
qualified and talented lead designer and design firm submissions including emerging
talent, women-owned, small, and small-disadvantaged businesses in addition to well
established firms.
Specify a selection process that allows GSA, on behalf of the customer, to find a lead
designer and A/E team capable of fulfilling the mandate for Design Excellence, which
includes being on time and on budget.
The A/E Evaluation Board
Appoint an A/E Evaluation Board comprised of individuals who understand the details
of the project type and the design priorities of the particular project.
Confirm that board members have the professional qualifications to make an informed
A/E selection.
Selecting the Lead Designer and the Design Excellence A/E Team
Recommend A/E teams that combine an outstanding lead designer with a track record
for delivering superior quality.
Shortlist lead designers and A/E teams that can cre a t i vely address the challenges of the
p roject type.
Rank the lead designers and A/E teams so GSA is negotiating with the best possible
talent for the project.
Concept Development
C o n vene at least two Design Excellence reviews with peers per project--one at the concept
stage where three schemes are re q u i red and a second at a point in the development of
the chosen concept so that the specifics of the design are evident at the same time that
t h e re are opportunities to make improvements.
section 3.2