3 . 1 Collaborating with the Office of the Chief Architect
Design Excellence success necessitates close collaboration between the regional project
manager and the Office of the Chief Architect. Initially, OCA works with the region to help
determine the best A/E selection process for each project, especially with respect to
convening a charrette or vision competition. It may also assist in assuring compliance
with project budget and schedule mandates as well as the analysis of critical building
systems. A specific OCA project coordinator is assigned to each Design Excellence project.
This person participates in the review of the FedBizOpps announcement prior to posting
and the scheduling of the Commissioner's concept review. Other important OCA activities
a re the Center for Design Excellence and the Arts' responsibilities for the appointment
of the national peer to the A/E Evaluation Board, for scheduling national peer
participation in the lead designer portfolio review and the lead designer-A/E team
interviews, for organizing and scheduling all charrettes and vision competitions, and for
scheduling and appointing national peers to participate in all peer reviews.
3 . 2 Clarifying Design Excellence Goals and Priorities
The following are Design Excellence priorities for each phase of the process. The project
manager and OCA project coordinator must develop a process, schedule, and strategies
that support these goals. It is important to note that the Design Excellence process
re q u i res advance planning and a time frame that allows for thoughtful coordination,
analysis, and reviews.
Site Selection
Contribute meaningfully to community development.
Maximize the potential for architectural design excellence.
Support effective sustainable design strategies.
Meet current security standards.
sections 3.13.2