Chapter 8: Central Court Libraries
must be provided; other furnishings must be movable. Other special equipment, such
as copiers, a facsimile machine, and microfiche duplicator(s), can also be located in
this area.
Support Spaces. The supply storage, general storage, and shelving areas must be
provided shelving as indicated in Table 8.1.
Microform Area (Patrons and Staff). Carrels with microform
readers/printers must
be located near microform storage cabinets.
Programming Note
Because allowable live load requirements for
microfiche storage cabinets can range as high
as 500 PSF (23950 Pa), equipment selection
and location must be coordinated early in the
planning process.
Copier Area (Patrons and Staff). Each copier area contains a copier, work table or
counter, and supply storage.
Programming Notes
Square or rectangular space, with minimum
columns and partitions, is best for court
libraries. Irregular and/or interrupted space
configurations may require more space.
Dense shelving requires increased floor load
capacity. Facilities with limited floor load
capacity require more space, since collections
must be dispersed.