U.S. Courts Design Guide
ALS controls and emitters must be permanently installed and integrated with the
grand jury hearing room sound system. A wireless, infrared ALS provides the
flexibility and privacy needed in the grand jury hearing room. If windows are provided
infrared ALS requires emitters to provide line-of-sight transmission to the entire room.
Multi-track systems in the grand jury hearing room can be used for assisted listening,
simultaneous translation, and confidential tape recordings.
The grand jury foreperson/secretary station and witness box must be equipped with
microphones connected to an amplification/audio recording system. The microphones
must be controlled by the court reporter/recorder.
When an interpreter is used, the interpreter must be provided a microphone connected
to the room's amplification/audio recording system.
In addition, a microphone connected to a sound system must be provided at the U.S.
Attorney station and/or lectern.
In the juror lounges and assembly area, one or more video outlets connected to the
building master antennae television (MATV) system or independent cable television
system must be provided.
In the trial jury suite, a pushbutton and buzzer system must be provided between the
sworn-jury custodian and foreperson stations.
In the grand jury hearing room, telephone/intercom instruments must be provided at
the jury clerk's office, security desks, and the U.S. Attorney station.
Data Transmission
Data transmission outlets in jury facilities must connect to other judiciary-related
offices within the facility.
Data transmission outlets must be provided at the following locations:
Jury clerk's office, connecting to the USDC Clerk's Office and possibly the
USBC Clerk's Office