Chapter 5: Judges' Chambers Suites
Judges' chambers suites are a highly individualized group of spaces, designed under the
guidance of the judge to best meet the judge's specific needs.
Except for the total net square feet allotted to each type of judicial officer, the individual
spatial allocations listed in Table 5.5 are intended only as guidance. If necessary,
circulation space up to 8% of the chambers net square footage may be added. Circulation
space may not be added if connecting hallways are not dictated by the design. The amount
of circulation space required for courtroom/chambers floors varies with the actual design;
however, 17% for the entire floor can be applied during preliminary planning. If
circulation space is added within the suite, the square footage is included in the 17%
allowed for circulation on the courtroom/chamber floor.
Programming Note
Additional circulation space is not to be included
in the chambers design unless needed.