U.S. Courts Design Guide
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Proceedings typically conducted by USBC judges require a courtroom of
approximately 1,800 NSF (167.2 Nm2) and a proportional ceiling height of 16 feet
(4900 mm). The well of the courtroom must accommodate a judge's bench, court
personnel workstations, a witness box, an eight-person jury box, at least two
attorneys' tables, and seating for lawyers, creditors, debtors, plaintiffs, defendants,
trustees, accountants, and interpreters. In some cases, it is necessary to
accommodate one or more USMS personnel. Space must also be allowed for the
Programming Note
"Mega-proceedings" that occur on a
regular basis require USBC courtrooms
larger than 1,800 NSF (167.2 Nm2).
Courts should develop procedures for
routine use of USDC courtroom space to
accommodate these large, complex
bankruptcy proceedings. In unusual
circumstances, a bankruptcy courtroom of
2,400 NSF (223 Nm2) may be
programmed, but only if requested by the
court and approved by the respective
circuit judicial council. A courtroom of
this type might be considered at locations
with more than one resident bankruptcy
judge, where the USBC is not located in
the same building as the USDC, and there
is a need to accommodate mega-
For courthouses with more than one
USBC judge, jury facilities must be
included in at least one USBC courtroom,
depending on the needs of the district. If
only one USBC judge is stationed in a
arrangement between the USDC and
USBC ensures jury facilities are available
to the USBC when needed, jury facilities