Chapter 2: Courthouse Programming
Federal courthouse space requirements are developed through a multifaceted process
of planning, programming, design, and construction. This process includes a project
team composed of the judiciary, GSA, U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), other federal
agencies, consultants, and contractors. The project team is required to make informed
decisions about the judiciary's functional needs while effectively controlling project
costs. The project team must consider efficiency, value, life-cycle cost, and budgetary
impact when making design decisions.
The application of criteria presented in the Guide will help direct project decisions
toward producing functional, cost-effective facilities. The Guide allows flexibility and
supports efforts to define criteria and explore solutions that enhance performance and
reduce costs. The criteria in the Guide do not represent an entitlement of space or
General Cost-Control Strategies
The cost of a courthouse is primarily determined by the size of the building, including
both the area (the size and number of spaces) and the volume (the floor-to-floor
heights). The size is determined by evaluating the functional requirements of the court
(planning), applying the criteria in the Guide to determine space needs (programming),
and developing efficient spatial relationships (design). For each courthouse,
construction materials and methods must be selected to satisfy the court's requirements
and achieve an optimum balance of initial and life-cycle costs.
Both new and existing buildings provide the opportunity to explore cost-saving
strategies while defining the functional needs of the courthouse. The project
development process for a courthouse facility in an existing structure represents a
greater challenge in creating a balance between function and cost-effectiveness and
therefore demands greater flexibility in defining the program and its relationship to the
Guide. Refer to Chapter 13 for more information regarding project development in
existing facilities.