Introduction and Instructions
Programming Notes
The Guide is intended to be a performance
document, not a prescriptive document that
dictates the means of achieving an end.
Criteria in the Guide do not represent space
of space types that must be justified based
on the specific purpose of each project.
Facility plans, programs, and designs must
include only space needed to satisfy the
functional and security requirements of the
Differences between space in an existing
facility and the criteria in the Guide are not
expansion. In such cases, alternatives to
space expansion are investigated before any
additional space is requested.
Design architects and court staff are
prohibited from adding spaces not originally
contemplated in the approved prospectus or
design program. Increasing the floor area or
building volume from that originally
contemplated is also prohibited.
Budgetary Notes
Renovation and new construction occur
when the court and circuit judicial council
identify space needs through the judiciary's
long-range facility planning process. GSA
determines by what method the space is
provided, e.g., by construction of a new