Ask for proposals from 3 scheduled vendors. Vendors with a CPG
designation are pre-qualified as meeting the standard. For vendors without
the CPG designation you must request that they provide to you on
Under limited circumstances, you may justify not purchasing CPG
letterhead or other commonly available company literature/website the
designated items with the minimum recovered materials content based
amount of recycled material in the playground components that are part
on one of the following reasons:
of your request.
1) The item is not available competitively within a reasonable timeframe.
COMMENTS ON ABOVE PARAGRAPH: The above paragraph may be
a little misleading when using the term pre-qualified. These vendors on
2) The item does not meet appropriate performance standards.
the EPA web-site may or may not be on GSA schedule.
3) The item is only available at an unreasonable price.
Suggested Language: Items must be purchased through our Federal
Supply System, if available. This includes stock items or items and services
If a CPG item is not available, then the product with the best environmental
on contract. The easiest way to comply with the GSA APP is to order
qualities should be used.
Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) items online through
GSAAdvantage! and look for the CPG
icon. NOTE: This is not a complete list of vendors who meet the CPG
requirements as some of the vendors may not have updated their product
information. If a vendor on this web-site is used, you must request that
they provide to you on letterhead or other commonly available company
literature/website the amount of recycled material in the playground
components that are part of your request. Another source for locating
products is through
In addition to the typical requirements in the scope of work for layout,
developmentally appropriate structures, sand and water play, trike paths,
dramatic play areas, etc. the scope must include the following sentence:
"Provide with your design and cost proposal a statement on letter-
head or provide other commonly available company materials that
specify the amount of recycled materials in your products." Ensure
that all play yard designs meet Design Guide (P100) requirements, ADA
requirements, and CPSC guidelines.
If you specify, order, or purchase a CPG item without the required minimum
recovered materials content, you must submit a written justification.
Regional requirements vary along with whom the justification is submitted
to. Your regional Environmental Coordinator, Recycling Coordinator or
Acquisition Management Officer can provide you with your Regional
requirements. Definitions and explanations of applicable recycled
materials refer to:
PBS-140 - July 2003