Lavatories and Mirrors
Lavatories used by children ages 5 and younger are not required to have
knee or apron clearance if a side parallel approach is provided.
Lavatories used by children 6 thru 12 years of age shall have an apron
and knee clearance of 610 mm, provided the rim or counter is no higher
than 760 mm.
Faucets on children's lavatories may be fitted with sanitary and energy
conserving automatic controls, but the designer must ensure that these
devices will be acceptable to local licensing before specifying them.
Faucet controls mounted on the face or rim of counter surface should be
no greater than 355 mm from the leading edge.
Mirrors must be mounted over the sink with the bottom edge no higher
than 750 mm above the finished floor. Provide one full-length mirror with
the bottom edge a maximum of 450 mm above the finished floor. All
mirrors are to be shatter-proof. See graphic below for mounting heights
and sizes.
Paper towel dispensers should be mounted beside or in close proximity
to the sinks. No dispensers of any kind should have serrated edges if
they are within children's reach.
Not Applicable.
Shower Stalls
Not Applicable.
Closets and storage areas should not be accessible to children.
Toilet Rooms
Built in or fixed storage accessible to children shall be located at 510 mm
See applicable code sections.
to 1120 mm above the finished floor.
Clothes hanger rods, coat hooks, or shelves shall be located 915 mm to
Bathrooms, Bathing Facilities and Shower Rooms
1120 mm maximum above finished floor.
See applicable code sections.
Handrails, Grab Bars, and Tub and Shower Seats
See applicable code sections.
Sinks used by children ages 5 and younger are not required to have knee
or apron clearance if a side parallel approach is provided.
Controls and Operating Mechanisms
Sinks used by children 6 thru 12 years of age shall have an apron and
Forward and side reach: Maximum high reach is 900 mm; minimum low
knee clearance of 610 mm provided the rim or counter is no higher than
reach is 500 mm.
760 mm.
PBS-140 - July 2003