1.3 Applicable Documents
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guide-
lines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, US National Park Service.
Fire Safety Retrofitting in Historic Buildings, August 1989, Advisory Council
Other documents that the user must reference include the latest edition of
on Historic Preservation and the General Services Administration.
the following:
Lead-Based Paint Interim Guidelines for Hazard Identification and Abate-
The GSA's Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service con-
ment in Public and Indian Housing, September 1990, Department of
tains standards and requirements for all spaces owned or controlled by
Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
GSA. It also instructs the user on other codes, standards, and regula-
tions that apply, including access for the disabled, historic preservation,
Radon in Water Sampling Manual (EPA/EERF-Manual-78-1), Environ-
energy conservation, cost analysis, value engineering, fire protection en-
mental Protection Agency.
gineering and environmental protection.
The Environmental Resource Guide, with Supplements, The American
The GSA's Prospectus Development Study Guide (PDS) should be refer-
Institute of Architects, 1996.
enced when a center is in an above prospectus project. The PBS Guide
contains project-specific architectural programs, budgets, and implemen-
Building Security Assessment provided by the regional Federal Protec-
tation strategies.
tive Service (FPS).
Federal Management Regulations (FMR 102-19), Assignment and Utili-
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building
zation of Space, General Services Administration. The FMR identifies
Rating System, Version 2.0, US Green Building Council, March 2000.
policies and procedures for development of space requirements and the
Including draft version for Renovation, March 2002.
use of space in GSA-controlled facilities.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Reference Guide,
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), Federal Standard 795,
Version 2.0, US Green Building Council, August 2000.
General Services Administration.
The Environmental Protection Agency's "Comprehensive Procurement
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Americans with Disabili-
Guidelines," which addresses requirements for use of recycled materi-
ties Act Architectural Guidelines (ADAAG), Department of Justice, Of-
als in Government procurement.
fice of the Attorney General.
1.4 Organization
Accreditation Criteria and Procedures of the National Academy of Early
Childhood Programs, National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC).
The following are brief descriptions of each chapter.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serv-
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Guide. The chapter describes the pur-
ing Children from Birth to Age Eight, National Association for the Educa-
pose of the Guide, its organization, the intended audience, how the infor-
tion of Young Children (NAEYC).
mation should be applied, as well as other documents that must be refer-
Lead in School Drinking Water, EPA 570/89-001.
enced. It also contains a glossary of terms used throughout the Guide.
State licensing requirements for the individual states where Federal child
Chapter 2: Mission, Goals, Administration, and Policy. The chapter
care centers are located.
describes the administration and policies of GSA with respect to child care
Handbook for Public Playground Safety, US Consumer Product Safety
centers. The chapter also discusses the agency groups involved in the
Commission (CPSC).
planning and operation of the center, and the process necessary to design
a high quality, cost effective child care center. It also deals with real estate
PBS-140 - July 2003