U.S. Court Facilities
Central HVAC Plant Design. GSA considers all central HVAC plant equipment and
systems to be included within the baseline. To allow flexible and efficient use of HVAC
systems for "after-hours" use in a U.S. Court facility, the central plant equipment (chillers,
boilers, pumps, etc.) will be designed using a combination of sizes of chillers and boilers to
provide heating/cooling to various numbers and sizes of zones. GSA will provide
connections to the building automation system with "sub"-metering to allow the facility
manager to track HVAC system use and allocate costs to user agencies for beyond-standard
hours-of-operation use.
Plumbing System Design. GSA includes all costs for system design, installation, and
permanently mounted fixtures within baseline, if fixtures are provided per PBS-PQ100.1
criteria. Mechanical and electrical requirements for "special areas," such as service units
outside of judges' suites, are included in the "Food Service SP-2" special space classification,
or the tenant can choose to provide reimbursement for these items and keep the space
classification of the space they are installed in.
Electrical System Design. Electrical distribution: for U.S. Court projects, GSA will provide
three 120/208V normal power systems to building areas in lieu of the two shown in PBS-
PQ100.1, with the third system being provided for the security systems. The third system will
have the same parameters as the two systems prescribed by PBS-PQ100.1.
Spare capacity: GSA will provide spare capacity as indicated in PBS-PQ100.1.
Dedicated and clean power circuits: GSA will provide a complete building system of
clean power outlets.
The numbers of outlets will be provided per PBS-PQ100.1 criteria, electrical code, and
good practice.
Emergency Service. Emergency power will be provided in U.S. Court buildings as defined
in PBS-PQ100.1. The security system described above will also be connected to the
emergency system. Generator capacity will be provided per PBS-PQ100.1. Uninterrupted
power source (UPS) for equipment such as personal computers or computer rooms will be
provided by the tenant.
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April 5, 1996