U.S. Court Facilities
PBS-PQ100.1 contains standards and requirements for all other portions of a facility that
house U.S. Courts. The PDS provides project-specific programs, budgets, and imple-
mentation strategies. FPMR's define space standards, standard alterations, and space
classifications in GSA-controlled spaces, including special classifications for court spaces.
This document is composed of the following sections:
Building Planning Issues. This section contains illustrations and descriptions of planning
guidelines and GSA policies regarding planning for flexibility and expansion of U.S. Court
Specific Requirements for Building Systems. This section contains a summary of specific
directions for architectural and engineering systems which should be provided in buildings
containing the U.S. Courts.
Specific Requirements for USMS and GSA Court Security. This section contains general
and special planning requirements for USMS.
Specific Requirements for GSA Support Areas. This section addresses policy for the
provision of GSA support areas within U.S. Court facilities.
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April 5, 1996