The person who prepares the Market Survey visits the site and local market areas to determine
the following:
Availability and shipping origin of major project materials.
Capability of local fabricators, precast yards, concrete plants, etc.
Availability of labor crafts necessary for the project, especially skilled labor.
Availability of special erection equipment.
Anticipated capacity of local contractors during bidding period.
Special conditions that might influence bidding.
Local escalation experience.
Site accessibility.
Batch plant options for concrete and asphalt.
Applicable local taxes or gross receipts taxes where the project will be constructed.
Costs of remoteness, such as labor for lost time, housing allowance, or requirement for
onsite housing or material delivery costs.
The Market Survey also includes:
Who was contacted (person, firm, phone, e-mail).
Where they are located.
When contact was made.
Why they were contacted.
What information was obtained.
A summary assessment with specific recommendations.
concept design
The A-E conducts a Market Survey as described above and as required by the Tasking
Matrix (Table 3 in Chapter 3).
design development
During the design development phase, the concept design phase Market Survey is
updated, verified, and refined to include all changes necessary to reflect new information
project estimating requirements P-120
section 2.2