that the project's scope and cost are within budget. These estimates are prepared by an
independent cost estimator who is not affiliated with the design firm or the Construction
Manager as Contractor (CMc). The design team provides all required documentation for
the estimator to provide estimates for, at a minimum, the following phases:
Final Concept Design
Final Design Development
90% Construction Documents
100% Construction Documents
2 estimating formats
Using standard estimating formats for cost estimating and cost management:
Ensures a uniform cost-control framework throughout the various stages of project
Defines a proper level of detail to set expectations for the estimating effort.
Serves as a checklist to ensure complete coverage of project scope.
Provides for a standardized historical database or library.
space type estimates
This format, used primarily for new construction projects, applies space-type unit costs to
planned space needs, resulting in a set of space-related construction costs. These costs
may be adjusted by adding known costs for special requirements defined through other
estimating formats. The sum of space-type costs and special-requirement costs equals an
Estimated Construction Cost (ECC) for the project.
Since GSA's General Construction Cost Review Guide (GCCRG) uses space-type estimates,
cost estimators must be familiar with this technique (see Chapter 1, Section 4.4 for an
explanation of GCCRG).
uniformat estimates
Uniformat estimating applies unit-cost data to building-system and component site elements.
This "systems" approach uses a hierarchical structure of cost elements, beginning at Level
1 with basic systems, such as Substructure, Exterior Enclosure, and Interior Construction,
general requirements and principles
section 1.3