Automatic Sump Pumps. Sump pumps shall only be used
Storm Drains. Rainwater (storm) drains include domed
where gravity drainage is not possible. Only rainwater,
roof drains, secondary roof drains, hub and receptor
storm, and clear water drainage from the lowest floors
drains (that do not receive floor drainage), deck drains,
of the building shall be connected to the sump pump;
parking garage drains, trench drains, area well drains,
drainage from upper floors shall use gravity flow to the
and similar. Roof drains and planter drains in non
public sewer. Sump pumps shall be alternating duplex
pedestrian/vehicle areas shall have high dome strainers.
pumps. Sump pumps shall be connected to the emergency
Receptors, hub drains, trench drains, and similar drains
power system.
shall have dome bottom strainer (in addition to
pedestrian/vehicle grate strainers where required) to
Foundation and sub-soil drainage system shall be
reduce splashing, increase free area, and prevent debris
provided with emergency power source, backwater
blockage. Drain body, frame and grate strainers shall be
prevention, perforated drain tile piping in washed gravel
rated for expected wheel loading, and shall include drain
bed with filter fabric shall extend to duplex sump
adapters, extensions, receivers, deck clamps, gravel stops
pumping system as required by the applicable codes.
and similar as required by building construction. Drain
The requirements of the foundation and sub-soil drainage
strainer free area shall be equal to or greater than the free
system shall be identified, capacity calculated, and
area of the calculated outlet pipe size area. Drain strainers
materials identified by the Geotechnical soils engineer
in pedestrian areas shall be heel-proof type. Every drain
and system opening shall have 1/4'' maximum strainer
and identified in the geotechnical report. The layout and
installation details and materials (identified by the
openings for rodent-proofing. Discharges shall be
geotechnical report) shall be specified and identified in
elastomeric pinch valves or similar for rodent-proofing. In
the structural foundation drawings, and indicated on the
general, drains shall be cast iron body type with nickel-
architectural drawing sections and details. The extension
bronze strainers for finished pedestrian areas, aluminum
from the system end to the sump pump or daylight
domes for roof drains, ductile iron or bronze finish for
termination shall be identified on the plumbing drawings.
unfinished pedestrian areas. Rainwater drains and
equipment room areas shall require large diameter
Sanitary Drainage. Clearwater drainage: storm rain water,
strainers. Drainage for ramps shall require either trench
cooling coil condensate drainage, foundation, sub-soil,
drains or roadway inlets when exposed to rainfall. Trap
groundwater, and similar clear water drainage shall not
primers shall be provided for P-traps (where P-traps are
discharge to the sanitary drainage system.
required by code, state, or local authority).
Chemically treated mechanical discharge from cooling
towers, boilers, chillers, and blow down shall discharge to
Rainwater (Storm) Equipment
the sanitary drainage system for treatment and protection
Sand/Oil Separator. Drains in parking structures and
of the environment and waterways. Purified steam (i.e.
garage shall discharge to a sand/oil separator prior to
humidification) shall not discharge to the sanitary
discharge to the storm sewer when required by code,
drainage system
state, or local authority.
164 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
5.18 Plumbing Systems
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100