5.1 General Requirements
HVAC systems shall be specifically designed to function
at the full load and part load conditions that are
associated with the projected occupancies and modes of
operations. (Special emphasis shall be placed on the
This chapter identifies the mandatory criteria that shall
design considerations for U.S. Court Facilities to allow for
be used to program and design mechanical systems
renovation, relocation, and creation of new Courtrooms
which are defined herein as heating, ventilating and air
and adjunct facilities or retrofitting Courtroom facilities
conditioning (HVAC) systems, humidification and water
for other Agencies' use. See Chapter 9, Design Standards
treatment systems, primary heating systems, primary
for U. S. Court Facilities, for design criteria. )
cooling systems, pumping and piping systems, building
HVAC systems shall be designed with standby capacity,
enabling continuous service during repair or replacement
The design of the mechanical systems and other building
of a failed piece of equipment or component. Where
components shall all combine together to produce
redundancy is required, it shall generally be accomplished
a building that meets the project's programmed
by providing equipment with standby capacity rather
sustainability rating (LEED rating) and assigned energy
than providing stand-alone redundant equipment.
target, as referenced in Chapter 1, General Requirements.
Proposed systems and equipment using advanced
Mechanical systems must be coordinated and integrated
technology will be considered by the GSA; however,
with all other building systems and features. As addressed
GSA does not allow use of experimental, unproven, or
in Appendix A, Submission Requirements, mechanical
proprietary equipment or systems. Documented proof
systems shall be adapted to support all performance
of historical capability and adaptability of all equipment
objectives, typically involving sustainability, workplace
and systems proposed for a project shall be made
performance (productivity and efficiency), fire safety,
available to GSA.
security, historic preservation, and improved operations
and maintenance.
To facilitate design integration, the designer is encouraged
to visit the Whole Building Design Guide website,
Mechanical systems shall generally be designed to exceed
the minimum performance requirements of the ASHRAE
to consider available technologies.
Standard 90.1 and 10 CFR 434 standards and incorporate
cost effective energy conservation measures that do not
Refer to Chapter 1 for information regarding
compromise building performance or occupant comfort.
operation of Federal buildings. As such, the design and
Submission requirements are addressed in Appendix A.3.
installation of all mechanical systems and equipment
shall allow for removal and replacement, including major
components such as boilers, chillers, cooling towers,
pumps and air-handling equipment.
General Requirements
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100