percent of all fountains in the facility, shall be accessible to
The minimum architectural requirements for waste
disabled persons per ADAAG Guidelines. Retain original
removal are: access for waste handling equipment from
fountains in historic buildings, retrofitting hardware and
the occupied areas of the building to the pick-up station;
remounting, when possible, to provide access for the
housing for the on-site containers; and maneuvering
disabled. Where modifying historic fountains is not
space for the collection vehicles. In calculating numbers
practical (e.g., fountain mounted in stone or other
of containers, assume separate containers for recyclable
ornamental wall), supplement with new fountains of
materials (paper, glass and metals). Waste handling
similar materials and detailing to original fountains.
stations must be completely screened by walls and doors
or gates constructed of materials complementary to that
Window Coverings. All GSA buildings should be
of the building.
equipped with adjustable window coverings. Describe the
Certain buildings may require additional waste handling
controls for coverings on clerestory and atria windows,
equipment such as incinerators or compactors. All
and how they will be serviced for cleaning, maintenance,
incinerator designs must be approved by the
repair and replacement. In some instances it may be
Environmental Protection Agency. GSA will coordinate
possible to consider automated blinds that respond to
this review.
sun angle and internal temperatures. This may be par-
ticularly beneficial in the southern and southwestern
Flagpoles. See Chapter 2: Site Planning and Landscape
areas of the country.
Design, Landscape Design, Landscape Elements.
Artwork, Signage, and Registry of Designers
Telephone Enclosures. Enclosures for public telephones
should be provided in the main lobby, near the cafeteria,
near the auditorium and in other building areas serving
buildings and courthouses is a collaboration between
the public. Accessible public phones must be provided;
GSA, the architect of the building, art professionals and
they must comply with the UFAS/ADA Accessibility
community advisors. The Art-in-Architecture Program
Guidelines for number, location type and design.
strives for a holistic integration of art and architecture.
Shelves shall be provided at phone locations, and shall be
Through collaboration from the initial concept through
designed and constructed to accommodate the weight of
construction the artist, architect, landscape architect,
persons sitting or leaning on them. Assume a 113 kg (250
engineer, lighting specialist, and practitioners of other
pound) load per 300 mm (1 foot) of shelf length. In his-
disciplines can work as a team to create new expressions
toric buildings where original telephone enclosures exist,
of the relationships between contemporary art and
reuse original enclosures to the extent possible and design
Federal architecture. The focus on integrating art with the
alterations to be visually compatible with original finishes.
design of new Federal buildings and courthouses is
predicated upon substantial involvement and responsi-
Drinking Fountains. At least one water fountain should
bility of the A/E team. Provisions for cleaning,
be provided on every floor near toilet rooms and near
maintenance and security of the artwork should be
auditoria. One drinking fountain per location, and 50
coordinated with the Facility Manager.
88 F A C I L I T I E S S T A N D A R D S
3.5 Building Elements
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100