1.6 Environmental
Indoor Environmental Quality Enhance indoor
environmental quality
Policies & Practices
Operations and Maintenance Optimize operational and
maintenance practices
These principles shall serve as the basis for planning,
GSA is committed to being a responsible environmental
steward through the consideration of the environment
operation, maintenance, decommissioning of all new
in all our business practices, compliance with environ-
GSA facilities, and for major renovation and alteration
mental laws and regulation, using environmentally bene-
of existing buildings and facilities.
ficial products and services, and using resources in a
sustainable manner.
measuring our green building achievements, all GSA
Sustainable Design
new construction projects and substantial renovations
must be certified through the Leadership in Energy and
GSA is committed to incorporating principles of sustain-
Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating
able design and energy efficiency into all of its building
System of the U.S. Green Building Council. Projects
projects. Sustainable design seeks to locate, design,
are encouraged to exceed basic LEED green building
construct and operate buildings to reduce negative impact
certification and achieve the LEED "Silver" Level.
on the environment and the consumption of natural
resources. Sustainable design improves building perfor-
Energy Performance
mance while keeping in mind the health and comfort of
building occupants. It is an integrated, synergistic
By Executive Order mandate, GSA's overall building
approach, in which all phases of the facility lifecycle are
inventory has an energy performance goal of 55,000
considered. The result is an optimal balance of cost,
BTU/GSF/year. For new construction, GSA must achieve
environmental, societal and human benefits while meeting
better energy performance. Therefore, each new facility
the mission and function of the intended facility or
shall have specific energy targets (BTU/GSF/ year) as
infrastructure. Further information can be obtained on
established by the Office of the Chief Architect. When no
the Internet through the Whole Building Design Guide
target is provided, energy performance shall exceed 20%
below ASHRAE 90.1. The A/E shall design to these targets.
For additional information see section 1.7, Energy
The essential principles of sustainable design and
Conservation Standards.
development for Federal agencies address:
Site Optimize site potential
Energy Minimize non-renewable energy consumption
Materials Use environmentally preferable products
Water Protect and conserve water
Environmental Policies & Practices
Revised March 2005 PBS-P100