Detailed Evaluations
Step 8:
Establish Initial LEED Approach for the Project
Application to GSA Projects
The preceding seven steps in the LEED
Evaluation Process were designed to assist project
teams in establishing reasonable LEED targets for
While other projects may have higher cost impacts,
GSA projects, based on a cost-justified approach.
and/or may target a lower LEED rating, the "Low-
After establishing the "low-hanging fruit" from the
Cost" Courthouse model demonstrates how the
"Initial Considerations" steps, then evaluating and
LEED Evaluation Process can be used to set initial
adding additional moderate- or high-cost credits
green building goals, and achieve a high level of
through the "Detailed Evaluations" steps, project
building performance within the programmatic and
teams should have a clear understanding of their
cost parameters of a GSA project. If approached in
targeted LEED credits (and the attended project
this manner, GSA's LEED rating requirement will
achieve its intended goal--to integrate building
for the LEED rating level being pursued.
quality and performance with environmental
responsibility and long-term fiscal prudence.
Table 2-8 summarizes the Initial LEED Targets
established for the "Low-Cost" Gold-rated
Courthouse model of the GSA LEED Cost Study.
The final tally includes:
All 7 Prerequisites;
9 "GSA Standard" credits (no cost premium);
23 "No Cost" credits;
3 "Low Cost" credits;
3 "Moderate Cost" credits; and
3 "High Cost" credits.
As established through the Cost Study, the estimated
cost premium for achieving the LEED Gold rating
is .97/GSF, a 1.4 percent cost increase.