Section 4: LEED-Related Soft Costs
Sustainable Sites Credit SS-7.2: Landscape and
LEED credit interpretation reviews and/or
Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands (Roof)
submissions to the U.S. Green Building
Council (DD Phase)
Additional soft costs are incurred for the design of a
Development of LEED specification language
vegetated roof system. Tasks include the design of
for materials, equipment, submittal
rooftop planting areas, plant and soil type
procedures, Construction Waste Management,
selections, associated construction documents, and
and Construction Indoor Air Quality
the development of a maintenance manual
Management (CD Phase)
(Responsibility: Landscape Architect).
Review of LEED submittal procedures and
Energy and Atmosphere Credit
special LEED requirements with the
EA-2: Renewable Energy
Construction Manager/Construction
Contractor and/or subcontractors
Additional soft costs are incurred for the design of
(Construction Procurement or Construction
a renewable energy system (e.g., photovoltaic [PV]
panels). Tasks include initial system evaluations and
Review of Contractor submittals for LEED
product research, computer modeling of PVs to
compliance/Tracking of LEED credits and
estimate annual kwh output, system design and
periodic LEED review meetings (Construction
engineering, construction documents, and
Phase, 36 month duration assumed)
construction contract administration
Assembly of the LEED Documentation
(Responsibility: MEP Engineers or Renewable
submission (Construction Phase)
Energy Consultant).
Estimates developed for the credit-specific tasks are
part of the LEED process, are purposely not
used in both the Expert Consultant and
included in this list. This is because GSA considers
Experienced Design/Construction Team scenarios.
of LEED, and therefore not subject to LEED-
Estimate Results
related fees (see further discussion of this issue in
the "Additional Considerations" section below).
The Multiple Credit/LEED Process tasks and
Credit-Specific tasks were combined to develop soft
Credit-Specific Tasks
cost estimates for the six Courthouse and six Office
Credit-Specific tasks, as defined in this study, are
estimates were defined for the Expert Consultant
those efforts associated with a specific LEED credit
and Experienced Design/Construction Team
that involve significant increases in the scope of
design work. In most cases, these credits involve
either a clear addition to the scope of the building
(e.g., adding changing/shower rooms that were not
originally in the program), or involve new or
The following sections describe the assumptions
atypical design features that require additional
used in Expert Consultant and Experienced
design time, construction drawings, specifications,
Design/Construction Team cases.
and project coordination. Credit-specific tasks are
Expert Consultant Approach
considered separate from the LEED process tasks
because: 1) the increased design and production
The fees developed for these scenarios are based
effort is significant; 2) the systems or design
solely on hourly estimates, using a range of
features would not have been anticipated as part of
professional positions and associated hourly rates.
the base project; and 3) the additional effort only
The scope of services includes the defined LEED
applies if the particular LEED credit is being
Process tasks, performed by the expert consultant,
and a series of Credit-Specific tasks, which are
performed by various members of the
Examples of credit-specific tasks defined for the
design/construction team. The Credit-Specific tasks
study are included below.
in these scenarios include all significant design
measures that are above and beyond GSA's P100