Section 3: Synergistic Credits
Summary of First Cost Impacts
Courthouse: Credit SN-1
Individual Credit Costs
Credit SS-5.1
Credit SS-5.1........................................... (0,616)
Reduce Site Disturbance, Protect/Restore
Credit SS-6.1a......................................... (5,055)
Open Space
Credit WE-1.2 .......................................... (,467)
Credit SS-6.1
Synergistic Credit SN-1
Stormwater Management, Rate and
Total Credit Cost ................................... (5,295)
Credits WE-1.1/1.2
Cost Impact ($/GSF)........................ (
Cost Impact (%) ......................................... (0.39)%
Water-Efficient Landscaping, No potable
Use or No Irrigation
Applicable Scenarios
Credit SN-1 is used in the Courthouse scenarios
1A (Certified), 3A (Silver), and 5A (Gold).
Credit SN-1 acknowledges the synergies available
through careful landscape design and plant species
selection. The synergistic credit scenario is based
on a Courthouse site where the area of plantings is
set at approximately 60% of the available site area
(excluding the building footprint). The majority of
the plantings are groundcovers, shrubs, and mixed
vegetation, with only about 3% of the planting area
used for turfgrass. The plantings are native and
adaptive species that have low or no supplemental
watering requirements after establishment. By
following these design parameters, the project
achieves the following LEED goals: 1) stormwater
reduction of 25% versus existing conditions
non-building site area with native/adaptive species
(Credit SS-5.1); and 3) elimination of a permanent
irrigation system (Credits WE-1.1/1.2). Four
LEED credits are earned.
Basis for Cost Assumption
Credit SN-1 uses the planting and paving areas
defined in the individual credit estimate SS 6.1a;
however, the additional irrigation system costs of
6.1a are not included. In addition, the irrigation
system cost deduct from credit WE 1.2 is included.