Section 2: Individual LEED Credit Reviews
Also, while the Base Case planting scheme for the
The listed plantings are not intended to constitute a
Courthouse was budgeted to include a high
full landscape design, but rather are used to
percentage of groundcovers and mixed plantings, it
indicate the types of species that could be chosen
is acknowledged that other projects may have a
to meet the credit criteria in the specified climate.
landscape budget that assumes a high percentage of
The low-water use plantings do not increase the
turf grass. The initial costs for groundcovers can be
landscape costs. Conversely, a cost deduction
approximately 5 to 10 times higher than those for
results from eliminating the sprinkler system in the
sod. Mixed-planting areas can be significantly more
Courthouse Base Case estimate.
expensive, depending on the number of shrubs and
trees included. Reductions in landscape
Summary of First Cost Impacts
maintenance and water use can partially offset the
initial costs of the more expensive plantings.
Courthouse (New Construction, 262,000 GSF)
Synergistic Credits
Total Credit Cost ..................................... (,467)
Item SN-1 (Courthouse) of Section 3 reviews the
Cost Impact ($/GSF)........................(
cost implications of earning credit WE-1.2 in
Cost Impact (%)..........................................(0.07)%
conjunction with credit SS-5.1 (Reduced Site
Disturbance: Protect or Restore Open Space) and
credit SS-6.1 (Stormwater Management: Rate and
Quantity, Increased Landscape Areas option).
The credit is not applicable.
Additional Considerations
Water reduction measures must be balanced with
other landscape design issues (e.g., aesthetics,
functional use of the exterior spaces, maintenance
requirements, stormwater management). In some
projects, these parameters may limit the viability of
achieving this credit.